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Existing and Developing Warehousing Around WMI

This map shows new developments and large existing warehousing/businesses that use HGVs around the proposed WMI site. It does not include the new and current shops and companies that use HGVs for deliveries or store HGVs. The new development by Cannock railway station will bring in more traffic on the M6 and A5. The i54 and ROF site will cause even more delays down the Cannock Road and Stafford Road not to mention the extra traffic on the M6 causing more delays and then more problems in the surrounding smaller roads and villages.

The road structure will not be able to cope with the extra traffic from HGVs and vehicles. No new roundabouts or traffic lights can fix this problem, they can only make matters worse.

Even before WMI it is clear to see the roads will struggle with the new developments constant flow of HGVs and other vehicles. Surely it would make sense to build something of this magnitude in an area that can cope with this substantial amount of traffic.

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